I guess you missed the entire string of comments on the article. You also missed the irony of someone misusing grammar calling someone else an airhead.
This is what I also said:
"... has become a not-so-subtle dog whistle used to ferment resistance to diverse candidates under the premise that a Black person couldn’t possibly be qualified."
I was once asked by a White boss to remind her where I attended college. When I told her I had earned a Master's Degree in architecture from Tulane University, her response, without batting an eyelash was, "Oh, you played basketball, right?"—her assumption being that I couldn't possibly have gained entry based on my intellect, and that it could only have been possible through athletics.
Black people are often MORE qualified then our White peers because we have to be better to be equal. Kamala Harris is MORE qualified than DJT but considered inferior by the White establishment solely based on her gender and skin color.
"The fact is Kamala has done more to hurt the black community than to help."
And Trump hasn't?!!