I’m really at a loss for words here. I think the title of your article is just for shock value to get clicks. You would vote for Trump? A man who is an openly racist white supremacist and who despises people of color. That includes you my friend. I’m not a Biden fan, but you obviously haven’t been paying attention. Trump is a man, who if re-elected, will thank you for your vote, then sick the racist mob on you. Say what you will about Republicans and Democrats being equally deceitful and sinister, but the GOP’s entire platform is now centered around racism and white supremacy. Do you understand why we don’t have universal healthcare like the rest of the civilized world? Because it would benefit Blacks as much as Whites. If America was made up of only White people, it would have been instituted years ago. It’s Trump and his GOP Republican cronies that make sure it never happens. If it will benefit Black people, then the answer is no. If you feel the way you do, then why not vote third party? As someone questioned in this thread, what exactly has Trump done to make the lives of Black people better?